Friday, April 4, 2008

Home Inspections

There are some things you need to know before hiring a home inspector.

1. Make sure the inspector is ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) certified. This is a rigorous education and testing method and only those who pass the test and do a number of specified inspections with a certified inspector are then given the ASHI certification.

2. Find out how long the inspector has been doing inspections. If they have just started out, you might want to look elsewhere.

3. Some home inspectors also perform termite inspections. In order to do a termite inspection, the inspector has to be certified by the state to perform these types of inspections. Sometimes having a home inspector perform the termite inspections, as well can save you money.

4. Will you get a report on the spot? Some inspection companies only give you a summary at the time of inspection and will get the whole inspection report to you at a later time. If time is running out on your inspection period, you will want to have the whole report as soon as possible so that you can make an informed decision as to what to ask for with regard to repairs.

5. Your real estate agent can recommend a home inspector and/or a termite inspector to you. An agent who has been in the business for a while will have someone they work with and trust.

Don't forget, you hired the home inspector, so they work for you. Ask questions, especially if you don't understand something.

To get started in finding the perfect home for you - please call me at 480-529-2693 or e-mail me at

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